Aaron Samuels |
IT Services |
Fischbach, 1114-1 |
04-829-3828 |
Adi Rosu |
Graduate Studies Secretary |
Meyer, 254 |
04-829-3235 |
Adina Shopen |
Department Coordinator and Administrator |
Meyer, 886 |
077-887-4680 |
Alon Cohen |
Workshop |
Fischbach, 101 |
04-829-4800 |
Amir Baer |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 714 |
04-829-4671 |
Amit Shacham |
Process Engineer, Micro-Nanoelectronics Center |
Wolfson, 202 |
04-829-3894 |
Amnon Willinger |
Research Staff |
Meyer, 769 |
Andrey Duragin |
Maintenance and Infrastructure |
Meyer, 251 |
04-829-4776 |
Ariel Wramstein |
Research Stuff |
מאייר, 1054 |
Arkadi Gavrilov |
Evaporation Systems and Process, Micro-Nanoelectronic Center |
Wolfson, 200 |
04-829-3250 |
Assaf Simon |
Nano Lithography Engineer at the Macro Nano Center |
Wolfson, 305 |
077-8873882 |
Bella Shavit |
Research Coordinator |
Meyer, 856 |
04-829-5924 |
Boris Minkovich |
Research Staff |
Zisapel Micro-nano, 452 |
04-829-5113 |
Dan Bleiberg |
Engineer in the Faculty Computing Department |
Meyer, 811/4 |
077-8875479 |
Daniel Arbel |
IT Group Head |
Meyer, 869 |
04-829-4788 |
Daniel Yagodin |
Research Staff |
Meyer, 613 |
04-829-4727 |
Danit Cohen |
Undergraduate Studies Coordinator |
Meyer, 254 |
04-829-4778 |
David (Dudy) Bar-On |
Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 319 |
04-829-3217 |
Denis Dikarov |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 552 |
04-829-4759 |
Dima Peselev |
Photo Lithography, Micro-Nanoelectronics Center |
Zisapel Micro-Nano, 201 |
04-829-5125 |
Dmitry Elkhin |
Rising scientist of Prof. Moshe Horowitz |
Fischbach, 254 |
077-8873287 |
Elechanan Davidov |
Maintenance Manager, Zisapel-Wolfson Micro-Nanoelectronics Center |
Meyer, 104 |
04-829-4202 |
Elena Zugman |
Chief Librarian |
Meyer, 303 |
04-829-4773 |
Elena Bulkin |
Research Staff |
Meyer, 566 |
04-829-4768 |
Eli Appleboim |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 608 |
04-829-4723 |
Eli Shoshan |
Lab Engineer and Project Manager |
Meyer 317 |
04-829-4794 |
Eli Shafer |
Research Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 328 |
04-829-4792 |
Eran Lip |
Chief Engineer Mןcro Nanoelectronics Center |
Wolfson, 203 |
077-8874205 |
Eric Herbelin |
Research Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 408-3 |
04-829-1505 |
Evgeny Bershadsky |
Content Editor |
Meyer, 811/3 |
052-6767682 |
Eyal Lev |
Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 206 |
04-829-3276 |
Katzir Eyal |
Fischbach, 114-1 |
+972 77-8873277 |
Eyal Gofer |
Research Stuff |
Meyer, 661 |
077-8875743 |
Galit Ram |
Administrative Coordinator - Maintenance Department |
Meyer, 251 |
Gil Ben Ami |
Administration Coordinator |
Wolfson, 201 |
04-829-4203 |
Gitta Abraham |
Research Assistant |
Meyer, 854 |
04-829-4674 |
Goel Samuel |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 711 |
04-829-4668 |
Hadas Ofir |
Research Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 517 |
04-829-4755 |
Hagiya Rahaveev |
Undergraduate Secretary |
Meyer, 254 |
077-887-1924 |
Haim Zrihan |
Maintenance and Infrastructure |
Meyer, 251 |
04-829-4776 |
Hovav Gazit |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 1011 |
04-829-5741 |
Idan Sthzeglowski |
Lab Engineer |
Igal Zuntz |
Engineer, IT Services |
Meyer, 869 |
04-829-4634 |
Ilan Lipschutz |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 718 |
04-829-1505 |
Ilana Zilberger |
Research Assistant |
Meyer, 961 |
04-887-3231 |
Ilya Varenisov |
Workshop |
Fischbach, 101 |
04-829-4800/3232 |
Ina Talmon |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer. 605 |
04-829-4782 |
Inbal Ginat |
Dean’s office Coordinator |
Meyer, 858 |
077-887-3524 |
Inna Rivkin |
Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 318 |
04-829-4789 |
Iris Berg |
Faculty Marketing Coordinator |
Meyer, 852 |
04-829-5925 |
Iris Levine |
Academic Staff Coordinator |
Meyer, 855 |
04-829-4676 |
Itamar Hefetz |
Workshop |
Fischbach, 101 |
972-77-8874800 |
Izhak Binyamini |
Maintenance and Infrastructure |
Meyer, 251 |
04-829-4776 |
Jacob Sayag |
Research Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 558 |
04-829-1309 |
Jacob (Yankee) Yavor |
Head of Administration |
Meyer, 858 |
04-829-4678 |
Johanan Erez |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 604 |
04-829-4729 |
Jose Yallous |
Network Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 1139 |
077-8873220 |
Katerina Skoryagin |
Research Staff |
Koby Kohai |
Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 321 |
04-829-4790 |
Lina Mustafa |
Administrative Assistant |
Lior Goldberg |
Human Resources Coordinator |
Meyer, 853 |
04-829-4673 |
Lior Gal |
Lab Engineer |
Wolfson, 303 |
04-829-4207 |
Lior Shmuel |
Research Assistant |
Fishbach, 315 |
04-829-1726 |
Maria Baskin |
Research Lab Engineer |
Wolfson, 205 |
04-829-5126 |
Marina Alterman |
Research Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 615 |
04-829-1315 |
Marina Abramsky |
Budget Coordinator |
077-8871727 |
Mark Kozdoba |
Research Staff |
Fischbach, 453 |
04-829-4730 |
Mary Danieli |
Administrative Coordinator Graduate degrees |
077-8874803 |
Maxim Meltsin |
Lab Engineer |
Maytal Dvash |
Research Assistant |
Melinda Margulis |
International Relations and Strategy |
Fischbach, 437 |
077-887-5593 |
Menashe Moritz |
Circuit Board Printing Editor |
Fischbach, 318 |
04-829-3295 |
Michael Shlafman |
Research Lab Engineer |
Zisapel Micro-Nano, 557 |
04-829-5023 |
Michael Shalyt |
Research Stuff |
Fischbach, 373 |
Mirco Moti |
Research Staff |
Meyer, 462 |
Miri Haramati |
Research Assistant |
Meyer, 618 |
04-829-4720 |
Mony Orbach |
Lab Engineer |
Fischbach 317 |
04-829-4664 |
Nadav Faran |
Maintenance and Infrastructure |
Meyer, 251 |
04-829-4776 |
Nathan Sul |
Engineer at the Micro Nano Center |
Zisapel Micro-Nano |
077-8875113 |
Nelo (Johan) Tariff |
Maintenance and Infrastructure |
Meyer, 251 |
04-829-4776 |
Nicole Volov |
IT Services |
Meyer, 811/6 |
077-8875086 |
Nimrod Peleg |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 505 |
04-829-4747 |
Nofar Alkobi |
Department Coordinator and Administrator |
Meyer, 818 |
077-8873278 |
Ofira Levanon |
Industrial Relations Coordinator |
+972 77-8873228 |
Oleg Steinberg |
Maintenance and Infrastructure |
Meyer, 251 |
077-8874776 |
Omer Malka |
Research Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 558 |
Ori Menashe |
Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 322 |
Orly Babad Tamir |
Graduate Studies Coordinator |
Meyer, 256 |
04-829-4781 |
Orly Wigderson |
Laboratory Practical Engineer |
Fischbach, 321 |
04-829-3286 |
Orna Ternyak |
Senior Plasma Engineer, Micro-Nanoelectronics Center |
Wolsfon, 204 |
04-829-4204 |
Oz Shmueli |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 1242 |
04-829-1928 |
Pavel Lifshitz |
Research Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 1067 |
04-829-1506 |
Reut Maaravi |
Teaching Coordinator |
Meyer, 256 |
04-829-4780 |
Riad Nasrallah |
מהנדס במעבדת VLSI |
077-8874687 |
Roman Belov |
IT Group Head |
Meyer, 896 |
077-8874644 |
Ron Prager |
Clean Room Maintenance Technician, Micro-Nanoelectronics Center |
Nano, 370 |
04-829-4209 |
Ronen Jacovi |
Research Lab Engineer |
04-829-3241 |
Ronny Ronen |
Research Staff |
Meyer, 959 |
Roy Mitrany |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 1139 |
04-829-3220 |
Sergey Fradin |
Research Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 272 |
04-829-3237 |
Sharon Bar-Lev |
Research Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 711 |
04-829-4668 |
Sharon Kastel |
Studies Administration Coordinator |
Meyer, 254/1 |
077-887-4777 |
Shimon Dolev |
Research Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 315 |
04-829-3249 |
Sigal Limonad |
Research and Budget Coordinator |
Meyer, 856 |
04-829-5747 |
Sima Epstein |
Engineer, IT Services |
Meyer, 818 |
04-829-3364 |
Tal Tepper |
Research Stuff |
Fischbach, 328 |
077-8874757 |
Tamar Gliciano |
Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 420 |
04-829-5077 |
Tami Sasporta |
Industry Relations Coordinator |
Meyer, 1058 |
04-829-5570/5087 |
Tatiana Becker |
Researcher, Micro-Nanoelectronic Center |
Wolfson, 200 |
04-829-3250 |
Tatiana Blank |
Research Staff |
Wolfson, 303 |
04-829-3912 |
Timor Benari Shuster |
Undergraduate studies & teaching secretary |
Meyer, 254-1 |
04-829-4779 |
Tom Lenkiewicz |
Solid State Institute, 168 |
Vadim Holodovsky |
Research Staff |
Meyer, 618 |
04-829-4720 |
Valentina Korchnoy |
Process Engineer, Micro-Nanoelectronics Center |
Wolfson, 200 |
04-829-3250 |
Vera Kitaev |
Library Information Specialist |
Meyer, 303 |
04-829-4772 |
Victoria Skoblo |
Engineer, IT Services |
Meyer, 819 |
04-829-4760 |
Viktor Kulikov |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 1142 |
04-829-3275 |
Yael Abuhatsera |
Lab Engineer |
Fischbach, 425-1 |
04-829-5074 |
Yair Moshe |
Lab Engineer |
Meyer, 504 |
04-829-4746 |
Yair Keller |
Research Lab Engineer |
Wolfson, 303 |
04-829-1266 |
Yana Vainshtien |
Administrative Coordinator |
Meyer, 1243 |
077-8871727 |
Yaniv Duek |
IT Services |
Wolfson. 206 |
077-887-2771 |
Yehiel Shushan |
Head Of Maintenance |
Meyer, 251 |
04-829-4776 |
Yehuda Kraif |
Infrastructure & Maintenance Engineer |
Wolfson, 212 |
04-829-2767 |
Yoram Or-Chen |
Project Coordinator |
Meyer, 668 |
04-829-3216 |
Yoram Yihyie |
Engineer, IT Services |
Meyer, 811 |
04-829-3290 |
Yuval Singer |
Workshop Worker |
Fischbach, 10 |
077-8874800 |
Zehavit Eliyahu |
Undergraduate Studies Secretary |
Meyer, 254-2 |
04-829-4779 |
Gadi Ben Harush |
Maintenance and Infrastructure |
Meyer, 251 |
077-8874776 |