סמינר: Graduate Seminar
Analog Voltage Mode Reading Circuit for the GMOS Gas Sensor
In recent years, the demand for sensors has risen in fields such as agriculture, security, the military, quality assurance and many more. Recent research by Prof. Nemirovsky and her team has led to the development a novel uncooled gas sensor based on a CMOS-SOI-
MEMS process named GMOS.
In this talk, we will get familiar with the GMOS combustion type gas sensor and I will present a tailored analog reading circuit which incorporates the GMOS sensors on the same silicon die (1.5mm2) using CMOS-SOI process, thus reducing cost. The analog reading circuit is capable of amplifying the signal at different gains as well as calibrating and mending the lithography process’s inaccuracies, known to happen in any CMOS fabrication technology.
M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Emeritus Yael Nemirovsky.