Laboratory courses

ECE Women Community

Information about the laboratory courses in electrical and computer engineering

The laboratory courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering are experiments carried out in the various specialization laboratories of the Faculty in diverse and up-to-date technological and engineering fields. The Faculty sees these courses as a very significant part of the technological education that students receive during their studies at the Faculty.

The content of the experiments enables students to deepen their knowledge in the chains of specialization, and also to be exposed to new fields outside their areas of specialization, and they may also serve as a knowledge base for project courses (“Project A” and “Project B”).

In order to provide students with an optimal learning experience, the experiments are conducted in small study groups (4-8 students per group) with personal interaction with the experimental instructors, who enrich the students with their knowledge and experience.

As of the winter semester 2024/25, students are offered 20 different laboratory courses consisting of four sessions of four hours each, with each student required to complete a total of 3 laboratory courses during their degree, with the option of a fourth course as a faculty elective.

Detailed information on registration and a list of all lab courses can be found in the Hebrew page.

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