
ECE Women Community

Departmental colloquium led by Prof. Peter Hommelhoff and Prof. Mikael Rechtsman

Date: June  07, 2023 Start Time: 12:20 - 14:20
Location: 1003, Meyer Building
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Leading faculty members from the academy will give us an overview of their research areas, their work in the field, and their challenges.

Shining a light on electronic and photonic structures,

take a glimpse into the worlds of electron microscopy and topological photonics


Gathering, Food & Poster Competition
13:00-13:40 Prof. Peter Hommelhoff :
“Playing ultrafast games with electrons”
13:40-14:20 Prof. Mikael Rechtsman:
“Landau levels in photonic crystals and quantized nonlinear
Thouless pumps”

Led by Prof. Peter Hommelhoff and Prof. Mikael Rechtsman.

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