Birth place: Teplitz-Snob, Czechoslovakia.
Title & Academic Qualifications: Prof. Emeritus
- 1966: A PhD in Electrical Engineering, Technion.
- 1956: M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, NY.
- 1955: B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, NY.
Career Highlights at the Technion and at the ECE faculty:
Research Fields:
- Electronics, Networks, Signal Processing Systems.
- Electronic Instrumentation. A/D and D/A Conversion and Wide Band.
- Analog Signal Processing.

- He patented numerous ideas, among them the principle of a folding A/D converter which is being manufactured by Philips under license.
- Dr. Arbel is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Xi, prestigious Electrical Engineering fraternities.
More links:
Arbel, Arie F. – Author details – Scopus
- Arbel, Arie F. Analog Signal Processing and Instrumentation. Cambridge, 1980.
- ארבל, אריה. תכנון מתקדם של מעגלים לינאריים. מהד’ ב, 1982.
- ארבל, אריה אדן, ש. מיכשור אלקטרוני / נכתב ע”י ש’ אדן … לפי הרצאותיו של א’ ארבל. מכלול, 1973
- ארבל, אריה, Arie F. תכנון מתקדם של מעגלים אנלוגיים ביפולריים / אריה ארבל. מכלול, 1991