Birth place: Sokolka, Poland.
Title & Academic Qualifications: Research Professor (Emeritus)
- 1958: A PhD in Electrical Engineering, Illinois University, Urbana Champaign.
- 1952: An Electrical Engineer Diploma, the Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty, Technion.
- 1951: A BSc in Electrical Engineering, the Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty, Technion.
Career Highlights at the Technion and at the ECE faculty:
- 1985: Wasawarded the Research Professor title at the Technion
- 1976-1978: Has served as the Technion Vice President for Academic Affairs
- 1970-1973: Hasserved as the Dean of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty
- 1970: Was awarded the William Fondiller Chair of Telecommunications
- 1969: Has been made Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty, Technion.
- 1965: Has joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty as an Associate Professor, Technion.
Research Fields:
- Stochastic Analysis
- Non-linear Filtering Theory
- Hardware implementation of filtering algorithms
- Graph and Network Theories
- Information Theory
- Probability
- The Zakai Equation is the most cited equation
- A member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
- IEEE Fellow
- Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- Foreign member of the US National Academy of Engineering
- The Rothschild Prize for Science
- IEEE Control Systems Society Prize
Additional links:
Prof. Zakai Moshe – Wikipedia (in Hebrew)
A conference in memory of Prof. Moshe Zakai (in Hebrew)
Video recorded interview with Professors Jacob Ziv, Moshe Zakai, Israel Bar-David