ECE Women Community

These include at least one colloquium accessible to a wide audience, while the other lectures may be more specialized

Lectures in 2019

Wednesday, 26 June, 2019, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 1003
Professor Paul Lecoq,  Currently the head of the Physics division of the European Academy of Sciences and an ERC Advanced Grant recipient.
Title: Picosecond timing resolution with scintillators for a new generation of HEP detectors and Time-of-Flight PET scanners – (PDF)

Wednesday, 10 December, 2019, 14:30, Meyer Bldg., Room 861
Professor Cheol Seong Hwang, Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University
Title: Modeling of negative capacitance in ferroelectric thin films Tuesday – (PDF)

Wednesday, 11 December, 2019, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 1003
Professor Cheol Seong Hwang, Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University
Title: Memristors for energy-efficient new computing paradigms – (PDF)

Lectures in 2018

Wednesday, 9 May, 2018, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 1003
Professor Robert Calderbank, Director of the Information Initiative at Duke University
Title: Shannon in the 21st Century – (PDF)

Wednesday, 17 January, 2018, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 1003
Professor Sergio Verdú, Eugene Higgins Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University
Title: The life of Claude E. Shannon: The father of the information age – (PDF)

Lectures in 2017

Wednesday, 29 March, 2017, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 1003
Prof. Jesús A. del Alamo, Director of the Microsystems Technology Laboratories and Professor of Electrical Engineering at MIT
Title: Extending Moore’s Law through III-V Compound Semiconductors

View: Vincent Meyer Colloquiums until 2016

Lectures in 2016

Wednesday, 22 June, 2016, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 1003
Prof. Andrea Goldsmith, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Title: The future of wireless and what it will enable

Lectures in 2015

Wednesday, 3 June, 2015, 12:30, Meyer Bldg. Auditorium 1003
Prof. Lorenzo Alvisi, Department of Computer Sciences, UT Austin
Title: High performance ACID distributed databases via Modular Concurrency Control

Wednesday, 25 March, 2015, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 1003
Prof. Jean-Jacques Slotine, MIT, Mechanical Engineering and Information Sciences
Title: Collective computation in nonlinear networks and the grammar of evolvability – (PDF)

Lectures in 2014

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 1003
Prof. Prof. Yun C. Chung, College of Information Science & Technology at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science any (KAIST)
Title: Historical Perspectives and Future Directions of Fiber-Optic Communications – (PDF)

Lectures in 2013

Wednesday, 20 November, 2013, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 1003
Prof. Ronald R. Coifman, Yale Univ., Mathematics & Computer Science
Title: Learning Contextual/Conceptual Geometries of Databases or Matrices – (PDF)

Wednesday, 5 June, 2013, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 1003
Prof. Ursula Keller, ETH Zurich, Institute for Quantum Electronics
Title: Attoclock: Shining New Light on Old Questions in Quantum Mechanism – (PDF)

Lectures in 2012

Wednesday, 5 December, 2012, 12:30, Meyer Bldg., Auditorium 280
Prof. Michael I. Jordan, Univ. of California, Berkeley, EECS and Statistics
Title: Divide-and-Conquer and Statistical Inference for Massive Data

Wednesday, 16 May, 2012, 12:30, Meyer Bldg. Room 1003
Prof. Robert Ghrist, University of Pennsylvania, Mathematics
Title: Topological Methods for Systems and Signals

Wednesday, 28 March, 2012, 12:30, Meyer Bldg. Auditorium 280
Prof. Eli Yablonovitch, UC Berkeley, EECS
Title: Searching for the Milli-Volt Switch

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