News: 03.07.2024

Congratulations to Nevo Werner-Reiss (undergraduate student)  for his achievements and participation in the prestigious Lindau conference

One undergraduate student and two doctoral students from the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering have been selected to attend the 73rd Lindau Nobel
Laureate Meetings, where young scientists meet with Nobel laureates. Some 650 young scientists from around the world will participate in this year’s meetings, which will take place this week.

Nevo Werner-Reiss is a fourth-year undergraduate student in the double-major track of Electrical Engineering and Physics at the faculty, and is a member of the Technion Excellence Program.

Exceptionally for an undergraduate student, Nevo was an active member of Prof. Shahar Kvatinsky’s lab which he initially joined toward the end of his first year in the Excellence Program for a summer project. There Nevo worked on adapting and evaluating algorithms and hardware designs for In Memory Binary Neural Network inference accelerators.

During his third academic year, Nevo presented his research and won the “Best Student Poster” Award at ATTO9 – The 9th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology that was held in Jeju, South Korea.

In his poster, Nevo showcased his research project: “Towards Quantum Tomography of Attosecond Pulse by FROG-CRAB” where he explored the effect of photon statistics on FROG-CRAB. His research was supervised by Matan Even Tzur and Prof. Oren Cohen.

Nevo is continuing his studies as a graduate student at Prof. Yuval Shagam‘s Molecular Quantum Technology Lab.

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