Seminar: Graduate Seminar
Design of Constant Beamwidth Beamforming in Elevation Angle with Concentric Ring Arrays
Beamforming has been at the forefront of research activity for many decades, applied in applications such as hands-free audio communication, hearing aids, and teleconferencing systems. Most applications involve signals that are broadband in nature in a three-dimensional setting. A fundamental limitation of conventional beamforming is the narrowing of beamwidth at higher frequencies, leading to undesired distortion. In this seminar, we propose a hybrid approach to efficiently design a constant elevation-beamwidth beamforming with concentric ring arrays (CRAs). We formulate a convex quadratic programming problem for a given CRA configuration, directly optimizing the beamformer coefficients while maintaining constant elevation-beamwidth over a wide range of frequencies. Subsequently, we propose a hybrid approach to optimize the ring radii with a genetic algorithm exploiting the partial convexity of the problem. Experimental results demonstrate the flexibility and advantages of the proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art.
M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Israel Cohen.