News: 25.01.2023


ECE Women Community

Congratulations to Professor Mark Silberstein.

IEEE Micro Top Picks – selected two of the articles he wrote in 2022,

one as a Top Pick and one as an Honorable Mention.

Twelve articles were selected for each category out of approximately 130 papers

published in 2022 at conferences dealing with computer architecture.


Prof. Silberstein’s research spans several areas,

including heterogeneous architectures from different perspectives (programming tools,

abstractions of operating systems ), high-performance computing in grids and clouds,

Distributed storage, and parallel processing systems on multi-core processors and graphics processors (GPUs).

Mark Silberstein Site

Mark Silberstein Publications

Computers & Computer Networks – Faculty of Electrical And Computer Engineering – Technion

Research Areas

Computers & Computer Networks


ACSL – Accelerated Computing Systems Lab
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Congratulations to Nevo Werner-Reiss (undergraduate student)  for his achievements and participation in the prestigious Lindau conference

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