News: 21.02.2021


ECE Women Community


Prof. Mark Silberstein won the first prize at the Cyber Security Applied Worldwide competition (CSAW) in the European region, for his paper –  

Meni Orenbach

“SpecFuzz: Bringing Spectre-type vulnerabilities to the surface”,   about efficient protection of computer systems against recent CPU vulnerabilities,   

Mark’s student, Meni Orenbach – also won the 3rd prize at CSAW competition in Israel (competition between all Israeli submissions only)

His paper is called “Autarky: Closing controlled channels with self-paging enclaves” , and it was published at Eurosys’20 in collaboration with Microsoft Research Redmond. 

This paper shows the way to protect a security subsystem in modern  CPUs from potentially devastating privacy attacks. 

Read More:

Applied Research Competition | CSAW

Applied Research Competition (PDF)

Research Areas

Computers & Computer Networks


ACSL – Accelerated Computing Systems Lab
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