News: 01.09.2020


ECE Women Community

2019 Best Student Paper Award in Data Storage from the IEEE Communications Society

A work by Yuval Ben-Hur and Prof. Yuval Cassuto won a prestigious paper award from IEEE

Paper: Detection and Coding Schemes for Sneak-Path Interference in Resistive Memory Arrays, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 67(6)  3821 – 3833, June 2019.

A work by Yuval Ben-Hur and Prof. Yuval Cassuto in the Viterbi Department of Electrical Engineering was awarded the 2019 Best Student Paper Award in Data Storage from the IEEE Communications Society.

The paper shows how resistive memories – the most promising emerging storage media – can be made reliable by new algorithms drawing from fundamental communication theory.

Due to the array layout of resistive memories, they suffer from a reliability issue called “sneak paths”. The paper is the first to strip the complex sneak-path problem down to a fundamental resistance-detection problem, which opens the way for the new reliability-enhancing algorithms developed and analyzed in the paper.

These algorithms answer two important questions relating to the read/write of resistive memories: 1) Detection: given the array parameters, how to optimally detect the “0”/”1″ value stored in an array location? and 2) Coding: how to encode the data bits to array bits such that the quality of detection will be maximal?

Research Areas

Communication & Information Theory


COMM – Communication Lab
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