News: 10.08.2021


ECE Women Community

The Morton and Beverley Rechler Prize for Excellence in Research for 2021 was awarded to the Prof. Ayellet Tal.

Prof. Tal is a faculty member at the Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Technion and the head of the Computer Graphics and Multimedia Laboratory.

The award was given to Prof. Ayellet Tal for her work in computer graphics and computer vision, especially in three areas:

(1) Pioneering work in the field of three-dimensional shape analysis – “understanding” the surface from its geometric features.

(2) Developing technologies that change the way archaeologists analyze, document, and understand their findings.

(3) Building tools that reduce the gap between the way people and machines perceive the visual world.

Personal site of Prof. Ayellet Tal

Research Areas

Image & Signal Processing, Computer Vision & Bio-signalsMachine learning and intelligent systems


CGM – Computer Graphics and Multimedia Lab
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