News: 26.04.2020


ECE Women Community

Professor Mark Silberstein Award winner EuroSys Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher Award 2020

This annual prize by the ACM EuroSys society is awarded to young European researchers (up to ten years from completion of their PhD), who have demonstrated exceptional creativity and innovation in computer systems research, along with demonstrated promise for making lasting and fundamental contributions to the field.

Prof. Silberstein’s research focuses on leveraging bleeding-edge hardware for building new easy-to-program systems with strong security and high performance.  The research projects in the Accelerated Computing Systems Lab that he leads include new operating systems for  GPUs, FPGAs and SmartNICs,  defences against hardware cyber attacks, secure processors, programmable networks and more. Some of the research results were adopted by leading hardware vendors.

Research Areas

Computers & Computer Networks


NSSL – Networked Software Systems LabVLSI LabPSL – Parallel Systems Lab
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