News: 20.12.2022


ECE Women Community

The Architectures and Circuits Research Center (ACRC) held its annual retreat in Kfar Blum.

The retreat was attended by researchers and students from 14 research laboratories from the Technion, Hebrew, Ben Gurion and Bar Ilan Universities and technological leaders from industry: Intel, Google, Nvidia, Rafael and Cisco.

As part of the retreat we heard lectures about research and interesting developments in academia and industry and graduate students presented their research.

The retreat strengthened the relationship between various research groups and between academia and industry. We believe this will lead to continued collaborations.

This is the beginning of a new tradition so… we’re already looking forward to next year’s ACRC retreat.

Link to photo album


VLSI LabASIC^2 – Architectures Systems Intelligent Computing Integrated Circuit Lab
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Congratulations to Nevo Werner-Reiss (undergraduate student)  for his achievements and participation in the prestigious Lindau conference
Jul 03,2024

Congratulations to Nevo Werner-Reiss (undergraduate student)  for his achievements and participation in the prestigious Lindau conference

One undergraduate student and two doctoral students from the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering...
Congratulations to Sapir Biton and Michael Birk for their impressive achievement and participation in the prestigious Lindau conference! This achievement testifies to their excellent skills and significant contributions to science
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