News: 30.05.2023


ECE Women Community

Congratulations to Prof. Shahar Kvatinsky, prize winner of the Uzi and Michal Halevy Prize for 2022-2023

The prize is awarded to outstanding Israeli scientists who lead innovative and significant projects,

For inventions, discoveries, developments, computer programs, or publications in the fields of mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, materials engineering, and aerospace engineering,

which Offers solutions in the areas of nanotechnology and renewable energy.

Shahar Kvatinsky | Home page

Research Areas

Micro-electronics & Nano-electronicsComputers & Computer NetworksElectronic Circuits, VLSI Systems & Power Systems


ASIC^2 – Architectures Systems Intelligent Computing Integrated Circuit LabElectrical Engineering Elementary Lab
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Congratulations to Nevo Werner-Reiss (undergraduate student)  for his achievements and participation in the prestigious Lindau conference
Jul 03,2024

Congratulations to Nevo Werner-Reiss (undergraduate student)  for his achievements and participation in the prestigious Lindau conference

One undergraduate student and two doctoral students from the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering...
Congratulations to Sapir Biton and Michael Birk for their impressive achievement and participation in the prestigious Lindau conference! This achievement testifies to their excellent skills and significant contributions to science
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