Machine learning and intelligent systems

ECE Women Community
  • Learning Theory
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Deep Learning and optimization
  • Online learning
  • Robotics
  • Statistical Data Analysis

Recent years have witnessed dramatic improvements in a wide range of everyday technological applications. From speech recognition through language translation to direct interaction with artificial agents through natural speech, the person-machine interface has become much more natural and effective. Other domains such as vision and reinforcement learning-based game-playing agents have developed at an equally fast pace. The driving force behind all these impressive improvements in these very different domains is a single discipline, commonly called “Machine Learning”, which forms a major research area in our faculty. The Machine learning group’s research interests span the spectrum from fundamental theory to algorithm design and practical applications in multiple domains.

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The Morton and Beverley Rechler Prize for Excellence in Research for 2021 was awarded to the Prof. Ayellet Tal.
Aug 10,2021

The Morton and Beverley Rechler Prize for Excellence in Research for 2021 was awarded to the Prof. Ayellet Tal.

Prof. Tal is a faculty member at the Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Technion and...
Congratulations to Dr. Efrat Shimron and Dr. Haggai Maron!
Jul 01,2024

Congratulations to Dr. Efrat Shimron and Dr. Haggai Maron!

We are thrilled to announce that both Dr. Shimron and Dr. Maron have been awarded the prestigious Alon Scholarship...
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